Friday, March 13, 2009

HikINg n PaCAt!!!

sorry ma..nk express feeling sat..*wink*

thanks 2 my beloved housemate-->SHUET, i'm now being dragged to an eerie trip to a world of PACAT!!..yaAllah..seumur hdup gue tak pernah kene gigit ngn makhluk ALLAH yang satu tu..n i think dat is d main reason y i am so, so..i repeat..soooo..scared of dat small, tiny,itchy witchy lil thing..huhu..rase cam nak sembur satu badan dgn ridsect!!..worse comes to worse, gue dok bwh jela tnggu every1 sweet....*wink*


  1. ye la orang tue darah tengah manis tue yang pacat gemar sngat2.. jangan mare ehhh..
