it's me again..
same day, same date, juz a few hours later than the previous entry..hmm..
juz got back my from class..ajar budak2 tu phonetic symbols y suatu masa dhulu jd subject y paling kubenci..hmm..kasihan budak2 tu..dh macam bdk2 OKU dah td..apakan daya..ada dlm syllabus! huhu..
my bestfriends...
ben, papan, aworq, ricky, shawn....
bestfriend = org2 yang amat rapat dgn korg..y tau hampir kesemua rahsia korg y mak ayah korg pon tatau..y tau prngai sbnr korg wlau camne korg control cun dpn org skalipon..y tau korg suka sapa time kt skola dulu (hahaha..hanya kalian y tahu...)..y tau habit korg time tdo.. y jadi tpt korg mnagdu if ada masalah (financial included..hehehe)...y jadi tpt mintak diurut kalo korg sakit pale (tx ricky)..dan lain2 lg..
i'm d most lucky person on earth coz i do have my own BESTFRIENDS who have all d qualities (and others) as mentioned above...
let me introduce u to my very BESTFRIENDS..
haa..inilah mangkuk2 y sering menghuru harakan hidup gue tp hakikatnye, without them, i'd be nothing..believe me when i say kami sgt rapat..even closer than biological sisters..sama2 harung hdup as teenagers at boarding school dulu..fhm2 lah kan..time teenagers la hdup tu agak tunggang langgang sket..dgn sbuk nk brcinta la..frust diorg nilah jadi tpt melampiaskan u so much gurls..=)
but as we grow older, skrng ni smua pon sbuk dgn kerja masing2..ddk pon dah jauh2..ben tgh tgu konvo,papan kat perak, ricky kat sepang, shawn kat jb, aworq kat puchong n me in ayer paabas..kdg2 rasa rndu sgt nak buat keje gile same2..y paling best skali mandi dlm kolah secara berjemaah! haha! i wud never 4get dat gurls..=')..n soon, shawn will get married, follows by me..mmgla kita rasa nothing wud eva changed after dat tp sdikit sbnyak tnggngjwb dah brtambah bila dah ada title PUAN kt depan tuh..x boleh nak hang out slalu lagi..God, im gonna mish dat so much....but i promise u gurls, no matter how hard it wud be later, aku akan sntiasa carik masa utk bersama korg as we always did b4..=')..
for all u pepul out there..appreciate your friend selagi trmampu as one day u'll find it very hard to be with them....
meon, ben, shawn, aworq, ricky, papan till eternity....